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Media Monitoring Best Practice: 5 key considerations

While the vast majority of Communications teams in small, medium and large organisations across the world will have some form of media monitoring in place, their actual customer experience is often poor. The service has variously attracted a bad reputation for being expensive, fragmented, inaccurate and slow.

A lot of the reason for this frustration is that the expectations of increasingly technologically-empowered customers have not been met by the monitoring industry, which tries to impose standardised solutions on the more nuanced needs of the market. This doesn’t have to be the case. Armed with the right questions and knowledge, companies can ensure they get the most value out of their monitoring service by focusing on the key elements that are going to deliver their desired outcomes.

We review five of the most important considerations companies should make when selecting a monitoring provider.

  • Consolidated or segmented monitoring
  • Content overload management
  • Monitoring to the different business needs
  • Obtain “real time” alerting
  • Fixed vs variable pricing models


Download the full white paper to ensure you are best placed to choose the monitoring solution suited to your requirements.